We strongly recommend that all travelers familiarize themselves with the required travel documents necessary to travel throughout the United States and abroad. Anyone who plans to travel outside the United States will require a valid passport or visa to enter another country, as well as re-entry to the United States. It is the sole responsibility of the traveler to identify and obtain all required travel documents and have them available when necessary. Travelers who do not have the proper documentation may be prevented from boarding their flight or ship and from entering a country. No travel refunds will be given to individuals who fail to bring proper travel documents. These requirements are by government regulations and policies.
Starting May 7, 2025, the federal government will be requiring a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, state-issued enhanced driver's license, or another form of ID to board a domestic flight, when the REAL ID Act will be enforced by the Department of Homeland Security and TSA. Click here for more information. https://www.dhs.gov/real-id
REAL ID-compliant cards will have either a gold or black start on the upper right portion of your driver’s license as indicated in the second picture.